

1 voracious

2 indiscriminate

3 eminent

4 steeped

5 replete


1 eating or wanting large amounts of food

2 action is done without thought about what the result may be, especially what it causes people to be harmed

3 famous and respected especially in a particular profession

4 rising or falling quickly not gradually

5 filled with something: with a full supply of something


6  abound

7  tecnology

8  prognosticate

9  automaton

10 matron


6  to exist in great numbers or quantities

7  the scientific study of machanical arts and applied sciences

8  foretaell  prophesy

9  a moving mechanical devise made in imitation of human being

10 a woman in charge of domestic and medical arrengements at boarding school or other institution


11 paradox

12 realm

13  annals

14 compound

15 tinge


11 a seemingly absurd or contradictory statement or proposition which when investigated may prove to be well founded or true.

12 special field of something orsomeone; kingdom

13 historical records

14 make up; constitute

15 a trace, smattering, or slight degree


16  barger

17  implore

18  drudgery

19  interminable

20  perceive


16  repeatedly and annoyingly asked someone to do something

17  beg someone earnestly or desperately to do something

18  unpleasant, dull, or hard work

19  unending

20  to understand, know, become aware of


21  laconic

22  throng

23  intrepid

24  accost

25  reticent


21  using very few words

22  crowd

23  brave

24  approach and address and approach  someone badly or aggressively

25  silent



26  furtive

27  felon

28  plethora

29  hapless

30  irate


26  attenpting to avoid notice or attention, secret, stealty

27  a person who has committed a felong

28  an excess of something

29  unfortunate

30  feeling or characterized by great anger


felong; a crime regarded in the US


31  pretext

32  fabricate

33  adroit

34  gestuculate

35  vigilant


31  a reason given in justification of a course of action that is not real reason

32  invent something in order t deceive, t lie, to construct

33  skillful

34  use gestures, especially dramatic ones

35  keeping careful watch for possible damages or difficulties 


36  avid

37  cajole

38  rudimentary

39  enhance 

40  nuance


36  having or showing a keen interst in or enthsiasm for something

37  persuade someone to do something by sustained coaxing or flattery

38  elementary

39  intensify, heighten

40  a very slight difference in meaning


41  loath

42  reprimand

43  lackluster

44  caustic

45  wrest


41  to dislike someone or something

42  to tell someone officially that you do not approve of them or their action

43   lacking in vitaity force or conviction / to show shape disapproval

44  able to burn or corrode organic tissue by chemical action

45  take by force


corrod: destroy or damege slowly by chemical action


46  infamous

47  jostle

48  dupe

49  incipient

50  inadvertent


46  well known for some badquality or deed

47  push /to shove hard

48  a person easily tricked

49  just beginning to exist

50  heedless , not attentive


heedless; showing a reckless lack of care or attention


51 ominous

52 tremulous

53 repudiate

54 cessation

55 bristle


51 giving the worrying impression that something bad is going to happen

52 shaking or quivering slight

53 refuse to accept, reject

54 a stopping

55 a short, stiff hair/ stand upright away from the skin, typically as a sign of anger or fear


56 euphemism

57 mundane

58 incongruous

59 condolence

60 stipulate


56 a mild or indirect word or expression

57 lacking interest or excitement

58 not in harmony or keeping with the surroundings or other  aspects of something

59 an expression of sympathy

60 demand or specify


congruous; in agreement or harmony

specify; indentify clearly and definitely



61 alacrity

62 disdain

63 belligerent

64 intimidate

65 feint


61 brisk and cheerful readiness

62 the feeling that someone or something is unworthy of one's consideration or respect

63 warlike/ hostile and aggressive

64 frighten or overcome someone, in order to make them do what one wants / to overawe

65 a false attack


brisk; showing a wish to deal with things quickly 


66 pugnacious

67 promulgate

68 brash

69 scoff

70 belittle


66 eager or quick to angue, quarrel

67 promote or make widely known

68 self-assertive in a rude, noisy

69 speak to someone about something in a scornfully derisive or mocking way

70 dismiss someone or somthing as unimportant


assertive; having or showing a confident and forceful personality

derisive; expressing contempt or  ridicule

mock: tease or laugh at in a scornful or contemptuous manner


71 tangible

72 laceration

73 castigate

74 sordid

75 octogenarian


71 perceptible by touch

72 to cu skin or flesh with the sharp/jagged wound

73 to crticize someone something severely / to correct punishing

74 immoral or dishonest

75 person in his or her eighties


76 solace

77 aspirant

78 dregs

79 frenzy

80 scurrilous


76 a feeling of emotional comfort when you are sad or disappointed

77 a person with a strong desire to achieve a position of importance or to win a competition

78 the last grops of liquid left in a container, together with any sediment

79 a state of grat activity and strong emotion that is often violent or frightening and not under control

80 very rude and insulting, and intended to damage someone repulation


repulation; drive back by force


81 rampant

82 inane

83 ethics

84 concur

85 clandestine


81 existing or apreading everywhere in a way that cannot be controled

82 stupid

83 moral principles that control or inflance a person's behavior

84 to agree

85 done secretaly


86 flagrant

87 admonish

88 duress

89 culorit

90 inexorable


86 outrageous glaringly bad

87 to warn , to reprove

88 compulsion, force

89 the guilty person

90 impossible to stop or prevent


glaring; giving up or reflecting a strong or dazzling light


91 egregious

92 distraught

93 duplicity

94 acrimonious

95 paucity


91 outstandingly bad

92 very worried and upset

93 cunning, trickly

94 mentally confused, crazed

95 scarcity


96  elicit

97  pernicious

98  tolerate

99  construe

100 impunity


96   evoke or draw out from someone

97  having a harmful effect

98   to put up with, to bear

99   interpret in a particular way

100 exemption from punishment or freedom from injurious consequence of an action


evoke ; bring or recall a feeling etc to the conscious mind

exemption: the action of freeing or state of being free from an obligation or liability imposed on others


101 affluent

102 feasible

103 discern

104 sally

105 consternation


101 rich

102 possible and practical to do easily or converiently

103 recognize or find out 

104 suddenly rush forth

105 a feeling of anxiety or dismay typically at something unexpected


dismay; concern or distress caused by unexpected

distress; di+stress


106 precocious

107 perfunctory

108 chagrin

109 perverse

110 deride


106 having developed certain abilities , reaching maturity early

107 carried out without real interest,done without care, superficial

108 annoyance on distress at having failed or been humiliation

109 per+verse,contrary, persisting in error

110 express contempt for,to ridicule, scoff at


humiliate; make someone feel ashamed and foolish by injuring their dignity and pride


111  disparage

112  laudable

113  fiasco

114  masticate

115  eschew


111 dis+per, to discredit,belittle

112 expessing praise, praiseworthy

113 complete failure

114  to chew up

115 deliberrately avoid using , abstain from


abstain; restrain oneself from doing or enjoying something


116 implacable

117 paroxysm

118 reprehensible

119 jurisdiction

120 skirnish


116 unable to be stopped, relentless

117 suuden attack, sudden outburst

118 worthy of blame

119 power, range of authority

120 small fight, brief encounter


relentless; an ceasingly intense


121 harass 

122 monolithic

123 indigent

124 arbitrary

125 fray


121 subject to aggressive pressure or intimidation

122 formed of a single large block of stone, massively solid

123 poor, needy

124 based on whim, dictatorial

125 to trouble, torment


dictoratorial: haviing or showing an autocratic manner

torment; severs physical ot mental suffering



126  stymie

127  effigy

128  flout

129  cognizant

130  turbulent


126  prevent or hinder the progress of , impede

127  a sculpture od model of a peoson

128  show contempt, scoff

129  aware

130  unruly, agitated



131  terminate

132  forthwith

133  exacerbate

134  revert

135  oust


131  "term"「限界」"ate"=verb/to end

132  immediately

133  to irritate, make worse

134  return

135  to drive out , eject


irritate; to annoy soomeone, especially by something you continuously do or bysomething tha continuously happens



136  emaciated

137  surge

138  tranquil

139  sanctuary

140  ascend


136  abnormally thin, wasted away

137  to rush suddenly

138  quiet

139  shelter

140  to rise



141  malnutrition

142  afflict

143  besiege

144  privation

145  sinister


141  faulty or inadequate diet/"mal"「悪い」+"nutrition

142  to trouble greatly, to distress

143  to surround, hem in/"hem「囲い」

144  lack of necessities

145  evil, ominous



146  ubiquitous

147  remote

148  thwart

149  harbinger

150  malignant


146  being everywhere at the same time

147  distant , hidden away

148  to hinder, defeat

149  a forerunner, advance notice

150  likely to cause death



151  excruciating

152  respite

153  reverberating

154  fretful

155  succumb


151  agonizing, torturing

152  an interval of the relief, delay

153  reechoing, resounding

154  worrisome, irritable

155  to give way, yield/"sub"+”cumb"「横たわる」



156  impresario

157  extortion

158  adverse

159  asset

160  bigot


156  one who presents cultural series, organizer

157  getting money by threats/"ex+"tort"「捩る」

158  unfavorable, harmful

159  a valuable thing tohave

160  a narrow-mind, prejudiced person  



161  blatant

162  entourage

163  viruulent

164  venom

165  spew


161  disagreeably loud, very showy

162  group of attendants

163  full of hate, harmful

164  poison, spite, malice

165  throw up, vomit, eject  



166  loath

167  solicit

168  astute

169  advocate

170  ineffectual


166  unwilling, reluctant

167  to beg, seek earnestly

168  keen, shrewd

169  to be in favor of, to support

170  not effective


shrewd;clever at understanding and making judgements about a situation



171  scrutinize

172  nefarious

173  amicable

174  vexatious

175  malady


171  examine closely

172  villainous, vicious

173  friendly, peaceful

174  annoying

175  disease



176  inclement

177  peruse

178  premonition

179  desist

180  recoil


176  unfavorable, stormy

177  to read carefully

178  forewarning

179  cease

180  draw back



181  pertinent

182  mastiff

183  obsess

184  doleful

185  wan


181  to the point

182  large dog

183  to haunt, preoccupy

184  sad, melancholy

185  sickly pale



186  histrionics

187  elusive

188  frustrate

189  symptomatic

190  interject


186  display of emotions

187  hard to grasp

188  counteract, foll, thward

189  having to do with signs or symptoms, indicative

190  insert, interrupt



191  inert

192  salient

193  imminent

194  squeamish

195  engrossed


191  without power to move

192  outstanding, prominent

193  likely to happen, threatening

194  easily shocked, over sensiive

195  absorbed



196  inundate

197  fruitless

198  poignant

199  garbled

200  sanguine


196  to flood/" in"「上に」+"und"「波」

197  useless

198  moving , painful to the feelings

199  confused, mixed up

200 optimistic



201  phlegmatic

202  corroborate

203  comprehensive

204  zealous

205  coerce


201  calm, hard to ro use to action

202  confirm, support

203  thorough

204  enthusiastic

205  to force



206  elapse

207  meticulous

208  domicile

209  lax

210  sporadic


206  to slip by

207  careful

208  home

209  careless, negligent

210  occasinal


negligent/ "negli"「怠る」+"ent"「性質」





211  rash

212  conjecture

213  obviate

214  lurid

215  quip


211  too hasty, reckless

212  guess

213 do away with, eliminate

214  sensational

215  joke 



216  diatribe

217  inhibition

218  fortuitous

219  incoherent

220  ilk


216  bitter criticism

217  restraint/"in"+"hibit"「持つ、保つ」

218  accidental

219  disjointed

220  kind, sort



221  prestigious

222  placard

223  integral

224  remuneration

225  nominal


221  illusttrious/”pre"+”strict"「張る」

222  poster

223  essential

224  reward, pay

225  slight



226  expunge

227  flamboyant

228  anathema

229  schism

230  utopia


226  erase

227  showy ,colorful

228  somthing greatly detested

229  split

230  place of perfection



231  timorous

232  trunious

233  jaunty

234  fractious

235  ostentatious


231  fearful

232  cut short

233  sprightly, gay

234  qurrelsome

235  showy



236  importune

237  incontrovertible

238  surreptitious

239  haven

240  subjugate


236  ask urgently

237  undeniable

238  stealthy, accomplished by secret

239  place of safety

240  conquer/"sub"+"jug"「つなぐ」



241  ultimate

242  eventuate

243  emit

244  subterranean

245  viable


241 final

242  to result finally

243  to give off/"e"+"mit"「送る」

244  underground/ "sub"+"terr"「時」

245  practicable, workable/"vit"「命」




246  premise

247  jeopardize

248  incredulous

249  permeate

250  propitious


246  grounds for a conclusion

247  endanger

248  skeptical

249  to spread through

250  favorable
