SHELDON"なんかどうでしょう。海外のベストセラー本です。この本のタイトルは"IF TOMORROW COMES"です。では、「冒頭」部分を少し紹介します。
New Orleans
Thursday,20 February-11:00P.m
She undressed slowly, dreamily, and when she was naked, she selected a bright red negligee to wear so that the blood would not show. Doris Whitney
looked around the bedroom for the last time to make certain that the pleasant room, grown dear over the past thirty years, was neat and tidy. She opened the drawer of the bedside table and
carefully removed the gun. It was shiny black, and terrifyingly cold. She placed it in next too the telephone and dial;ed her daughter's number in Philadelphia. She listened to the echo of the
distant ringing. And then there was a soft"Hello?" "Tracy ・・・I just felt like hearing the sound of your voice, daring"