英語長文読解教室 伊藤和夫 駿台予備学校




 It is not easy, or rather it is easy but unwise, to be dogmatie about the choice of words in English. The rich and varied vocabulary which makes English such a powerful instrument in the hands of a master may be something of a handicap to the unskillful. When the dictionary offers so many words that seem to express his meanig equally well, the beginner is often tempted to use the longest he can find, hoping thus to make his statement seem more imposing. As a matter of fact, there are few true synonyms in modern English. The fact that one word be used as a rough dictionary definition of another does not mean that the two are equivalent in all contexts. Full competence in the choice of words can be acquired only after long practice, with some understanding of their historical significances and their literary and popular associations.

